I want to start off by saying that I love getting mail. Post cards, letters, care packages, anything. Well, except for bills.
This past week I received a package from a lovely woman named Bev who came to one of my whoopie pie workshops at The Kitchen in Amsterdam. She's American and she lives in Oregon and her sister-in-law lives her in The Netherlands, so she visits a few times a year. She knows that there are some things that you can't get easily here in Holland, and if you're lucky enough to find it, it's going to cost you 4 or 5 times the price it would in the U.S.
On Friday this package arrived on my doorstep. I opened it up and I could immediately smell the sweet aromas of light brown cane sugar and coconut. There were also butterscotch chips, boxes of baking soda and really cute baking cups. It was also packed with military caliber efficiency, which was so awesome that I just had to mention it. Sometimes when my father sends me packages things are haphazardly thrown in. It wouldn't surprise me to find an anvil resting on top of a Faberge egg in a package from him. I'm not complaining, I find it funny and endearing but I have to say that receiving such a well packed box was quite refreshing.
Friends and relatives have sent me some wonderful packages since I moved here in 2009. I've gotten boxes with my favorite magazines, Easter candy, hard to get baking ingredients, my favorite cereals, baby gifts and candies that I love.